Stephen Fry reunited with Breasts
The lovely Stephen Fry is currently filming in Africa filming a documentary series called “Last Chance to See”. And thanks to Stephen’s love of all things technology, especially Apple products (just like me), he’s been keeping the world up to date with his very exciting life via the medium of Twitter ( Now, being a […]
Original Black Adder title revealed
At the recent Blackadder talk at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, writer Richard Curtis revealed the original title for The Black Adder. (cue drum rolls) The historical sitcom was originally called…. (gosh I bet you’re excited now) King Edmund and His Two Friends (cue silence and tumble weed) Not that exciting really is it? But I’m […]
BBC to Broadcast 25th Anniversary Special
A couple of weeks a go I was lucky enough to attend the recent Blackadder talk at the Cheltenham Literary Festival with Richard Curtis, Tony Robinson and John Lloyd in attendance. I’ll be doing a full write-up of the event soon, but thought I’d let you all know that Tiger Aspect were recording the event […]
A trip to Mrs. Miggins’ Pie Shop
Source: EADT A SPECIAL TV documentary this week celebrates a 1980s comedy classic: Blackadder. Steven Russell hatched a cunning plan and paid a nostalgic visit to Mrs Miggins’s pie shop with actress Helen Atkinson Wood. SOMEWHERE in Essex (we won’t blow his cover) is a real Laughing Policeman – an officer obsessed with the comedy […]
Blackadder was lined up to be Sixties entrepreneur
He has blundered his way through four different centuries and Edmund Blackadder’s fifth outing could have seen him return as a 1960s entrepreneur, writer Richard Curtis has revealed. Speaking at a special event to mark the 25th anniversary of the first Blackadder series, Curtis told how he and fellow writer Ben Elton had agreed to […]
Blackadder is ratings GOLD
The newly re-branded GOLD scored a hit with its two-hour documentary on Blackadder as The Whole Rotten Saga gained 341,000 (1.98%). The programme, marking the 25th anniversary of the popular show, peaked with 411,000 (2.14%) at 9.45pm. Blackadder Exclusive: The Whole Rotten Saga then aired on GOLD+1 and picked up another 104,000 (0.92%). The show […]
Baldrick’s turnip up for auction
Earlier this year, as part of the ‘Wear Your Wellies for Wildlife’ fundraising event, the Manx Wildlife Trust has been contacting celebrities from near and far to ask them to do a signed sketch of ‘Wildlife in Wellies’. They contacted Tony Robinson who got Baldrick to draw a very amusing turnip. I think he had […]
Cunning Blackadder plan foiled
Source: TELLY producers had a cunning plan to mark the 25th anniversary of Blackadder. The idea was to show clips from the popular series, accompanied by interviews with the cast. All the major actors agreed to take part . . . with the exception of star Rowan Atkinson. And, as Atkinson played the title […]
Rowan to perform at Charles’ 60th birthday bash
This is potentially a very exciting story as Rowan performed the King’s Birthday sketch as Charles’ 50th birthday televisual spectacular some ten years ago. So here’s hoping that Rowan brings Eddie out of retirement one more time. UPDATE: No, he didn’t bring out Edie one more time. Source: Comedy greats Rowan Atkinson, Robin Williams […]
Blackadder TV retrospectives – dates confirmed
Blackadder: The Whole Rotten Saga Thursday 9 October 2008, GOLD – The story of the sitcom, featuring contributions by Richard Curtis, Ben Elton, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Tony Robinson, Tim McInnerny, Miranda Richardson, Miriam Margolyes, Patsy Byrne and Brian Blessed. Blackadder’s Most Cunning Moments Thursday 16 October 2008, GOLD – Celebrities including Jeremy Paxman, John […]
Blackadder cast and crew to appear at Cheltenham festival
Hot diggegy dang and huzzah to boot! Tony Robinson, Richard Curtis and John Lloyd (not Tony Curtis, Richard Lloyd and John Robinson as I nearly wrote in all the excitement) are going to be appearing at the Chletenham Literature festival in October. Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the first broadcast of Blackadder, one of Britain’s […]
Blackadder makes top 5 movie wishes
Thanks to long-time friend of Blackadder Hall John for spotting this news nugget. Source: (never heard of it) Blackadder has been voted as one TV show that fans would like to see made into a movie. Those that voted clearly didin’t see (or chose to forget) Blackadder: Back and Forth. I know it wasn’t […]