The following article was printed on the BEEB website on Friday 3rd April 1998. It was in the Funny Talk section in the Comedy Zone.
Dear Danny,
Okay, please tell me…what do you know about a new series of Blackadder? Where and when will it be set?
Vegard Heimdal
Dear Danny,
Like you’re going to be able to answer this – will there be a new series of Blackadder?
Tell me something I don’t know!
Mad Gerald
Vegard, Gerald…
Have faith in me, boys. All I can tell you is this – it’s largely unconfirmed, as rumours tend to be – but I’m a fairly trusting bloke and I think it’s quite likely… The fifth series of Blackadder will be called ‘Blackadder MI5′. It’ll be set in the sixties, and revolve around a Bond-style spy called… Edmund Blackadder. Remember the credit card ads Rowan Atkinson did? That should give you some idea…
PS. You both have very strange names, by the way.