Comic Relief Comic – Pages added

I know I promised this quite some time a go, but I have finally uploaded part of the Comic Relief Comic from the 80s. You’ll find 28 pages of graphic novel goodness to view. Off you pop.

Audio Commentaries Added

One of the things I’ve been wanting to get on the site is the audio commentary tracks from the Blackadder Remastered DVD collection. Well, I’ve finally gotten round to popping snippets on to the web. I’ve only included the first 3 minutes from each track; if you want to listen to the complete recording, you’re going to have to buy the DVDs.

If you click on the series headers above, you’ll see an ‘Audio’ sub-category – click on that to listen to the audio tracks for that chosen series.

New Site and New Stuff

If you’re an occasional visitor to Blackadder Hall you may have noticed some radical changes of late. I’ve given the old place a bit of a spruce up and moved over to a 100% WordPress format. This allows me to update and make changes from almost anywhere and on any electronic device.

With the new back-end comes a new front-end (hope you like it) and lots of new content added to the site. Under each of the four series, you’ll see a sub-category called ‘rare bits’ containing err rare bits of video related to the series.

I’ve also added video content to ALL of the specials – check them out.

Over the coming weeks I’ll add some other bits and bobs.
